Crystal Bible - Turquoise
The most legendary of all the stones, the Turquoise crystal has reached rock star status in the world of healing minerals. Its dazzling blue-green shade made an appearance in ancient Egypt around 6000 BCE where it was incorporated into protective amulets and royal bling for the likes of King Tut and Cleopatra. One of the first gemstones to be mined, the Turquoise crystal meaning was considered a sacred stone by the Native Americans, who used it as a powerful healing tool for creating a connection between heaven and Earth. On a cellular level, this all-in-one stone is considered a master healer because it promotes an energetic flow of the highest vibration of love, the spiritual superfood to heal the world.
Here's an interesting historical tidbit: The vibrant and distinctive colors of the Turquoise crystal stone adds a pop of color to decorative facades of holy sites, including the Taj Mahal in India. Ranging in shades of blue-green depending on it's copper and iron content, the Turquoise crystal meaning is the brilliant color that evokes the image of dazzling waters surrounding an island paradise. Similar to Emerald, this crystal symbolizes the oceans that flood the earth’s surface. But what makes this stone stand out is its natural pattern of spider webbing, a striking visual effect thanks to deposits of iron oxides.
In crystal healing, the Turquoise crystal stone meaning is associated with personal protection, making it a popular protective shield for ancient warriors heading out into battle. The bright and stunning hue of the Turquoise crystal has been discovered in the ceremonial masks and battle gear of the Aztecs, a tribe that revered this decorative stone for its ability to provide personal protection against negative forces. In the case of the ancients, it served as a bodyguard against invading marauders and other challenges of antiquity. According to Persian legend, the Turquoise crystal stone was believed to bring good luck when it reflected the light of the new moon.
A protective stone used for thousands of years, Turquoise is the spiritual balm to a heart that’s been chapped by old emotional wounds and chronic stress. Modern life might not be a Game of Thrones episode, but it does have its share of eyebrow-raising moments. Wherever you happen to be on your journey, let Turquoise be your welcome oasis in a spiritual desert, a stone with energetic vibrations linked to the life-giving elements of water and air.
French for the word 'Turkish,' the Turquoise crystal meaning became well known across the continents, thanks to the ancient trades routes of the Silk Road, which brought this valuable stone from Turkey to Western Europe. Turquoise quickly became the toast of Europe, making its way into a royal lineage that can be traced back to Marie-Louise and her royal tiara, a wedding gift from her husband Napoleon I.
A protective stone used for thousands of years, Turquoise is the spiritual balm to a heart that’s been chapped by old emotional wounds and chronic stress. Modern life might not be a Game of Thrones episode, but it does have its share of eyebrow-raising moments. Wherever you happen to be on your journey, let Turquoise be your welcome oasis in a spiritual desert, a stone with energetic vibrations linked to the life-giving elements of water and air.
French for the word 'Turkish,' the Turquoise crystal meaning became well known across the continents, thanks to the ancient trades routes of the Silk Road, which brought this valuable stone from Turkey to Western Europe. Turquoise quickly became the toast of Europe, making its way into a royal lineage that can be traced back to Marie-Louise and her royal tiara, a wedding gift from her husband Napoleon I.
Bring Turquoise to the party and always have a wingman that’s got your back. Just like Quartz and its ability to power electronics and watches, Turquoise crystal healing properties are programmable, which allows you the opportunity to rock at your highest vibration by setting specific healing intentions. A good luck charm for health and abundance, use Turquoise to realign your energy centers, helping clear the path to higher consciousness.
Enjoy the therapeutic benefits of tranquility and calm when you enhance the effects of Turquoise crystal properties by incorporating it into your daily meditation. With this magical stone, always stay connected to the healing energy of water, the life-giving element that sustains the planet and the origins of life itself. Simply by gazing at the stone and saying positive affirmations, such as “I am healed,” keep Turquoise close by and use it to help unlock the infinite possibilities of the universe.
Eye-catching and vibrant, Turquoise jewelry adds a pop of color to your outfit, bringing a welcome brightness to a basic, everyday wardrobe. It also lifts the spirits and promotes well-being by energizing all chakra centers. Look fabulous and heal the heart. That’s a 2-in-1-fashion statement we can get behind. If Turquoise has found its way into your life, it’s a sign that you’re in need of its healing powers. Like a multi-vitamin for your soul, the Turquoise crystal is a gem when it comes to giving you a charismatic glow that comes from a renewed sense of self-confidence.
Wear a necklace made of Turquoise by your heart and feel the healing effects of its positive, life-affirming vibes. The color of a vacation paradise and its stunning waters, Turquoise is a beautiful reminder of your happy place, a spiritual lullaby to soothe any emotional storms that might blow through your world. Meditate with the Turquoise healing properties and enter a peaceful state of relaxation when you dreamily float down its proverbial river of tranquility.
Enjoy the therapeutic benefits of tranquility and calm when you enhance the effects of Turquoise crystal properties by incorporating it into your daily meditation. With this magical stone, always stay connected to the healing energy of water, the life-giving element that sustains the planet and the origins of life itself. Simply by gazing at the stone and saying positive affirmations, such as “I am healed,” keep Turquoise close by and use it to help unlock the infinite possibilities of the universe.
Eye-catching and vibrant, Turquoise jewelry adds a pop of color to your outfit, bringing a welcome brightness to a basic, everyday wardrobe. It also lifts the spirits and promotes well-being by energizing all chakra centers. Look fabulous and heal the heart. That’s a 2-in-1-fashion statement we can get behind. If Turquoise has found its way into your life, it’s a sign that you’re in need of its healing powers. Like a multi-vitamin for your soul, the Turquoise crystal is a gem when it comes to giving you a charismatic glow that comes from a renewed sense of self-confidence.
Wear a necklace made of Turquoise by your heart and feel the healing effects of its positive, life-affirming vibes. The color of a vacation paradise and its stunning waters, Turquoise is a beautiful reminder of your happy place, a spiritual lullaby to soothe any emotional storms that might blow through your world. Meditate with the Turquoise healing properties and enter a peaceful state of relaxation when you dreamily float down its proverbial river of tranquility.