Crystal Bible - Agate
Though the color of agate varies depending on the type, this popular stone long remarked for its beauty can be identified by its signature bands and translucent luster. Agate forms as a result of igneous rock marrying with the silica deposits in groundwater. The colorful bands that give the semi-precious stone its trademark bands are layers of agate deposits that develop on top of each other. Agates are banded types of chalcedony that come in a range of colors including pink, red, brown, white, purple, black, gray and yellow. This palette array comes from the impurities within the groundwater’s composition. As agate stone belongs to the quartz family, it has a trigonal crystal system and a durability Mohs score of 7. This cryptocrystalline mineral is made up of silicon dioxide, a plentiful composition explaining why agates can be found so commonly around the world in places like Brazil, Egypt, Nepal, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico and the USA.
Agate gets it’s name from the place where it was first located in ancient Sicily. The philosopher Theophrastus found an agate stone when walking along the shore of the river Achates. Agate meaning differs from civilization to civilization. Ancient Islamic cultures believed that agate could ward off the evil eye and tragedies. Similarly, Babylonians also believed that agate properties could be used to dispel evil energy. The ancient Egyptians, however, believed agate meaning to refer to as many things as protection against natural disasters like lightning, protection from thirst and as having the ability to deliver powers of speech. Persians also believed that agate stone could be used to defend against storms. The power of agate gemstone to the ancient Chinese was more internal. They believed that agate crystal meaning was one of spiritual protection, and could stimulate one’s life force while cleansing their mind to make space for good luck and fortune. By the Medieval times, the belief surrounding agate properties was that it could deliver a plentiful harvest if tied to the horns of an oxen.
Agate crystals vibrate on a lower, more gentle frequency. There are many types of agate that provide different healing properties depending on their variety. In general though, agate healing properties are slow and steady. They aren’t as intense as crystals like clear quartz or selenite, but they radiate a soft strength to ground the spirit with a sense of stability. Agate properties connect with the energy of the Earth. They are thought to bring harmony to all aspects of the being, physical, spiritual and emotional. Using agate during times of unbalance, when it feels as if the yin and yang within you are operating out of proportion, can reintroduce an equilibrium to your tempered soul. Blue Lace Agate is ideal for those who have trouble speaking their mind. The agate heal properties of this variety use the soft vibrations to ease the tension within the throat, and allow fluidity between mind and mouth. This agate, which features light blue and white bands, carries with it the energy of water to usher in waves of confidence that are not overwhelming, but constant. In contrast, moss agate, a light green stone known for it’s pure essence with is more closely associated with the element of the earth. It is best for people who are seeking the fortitude for long lasting endurance. If you are struggling with addiction or to implement healthy habits, moss agate healing properties are beneficial for manifesting goals, seeing things through and providing soft and steady support. Purple sage agate is another variety of the chalcedony family. Linked to the element of wind, this type has agate healing properties that are better for the overstimulated. If you are already feeling overwhelmed, another crystal may deliver frequencies that only add to the overactivity of the mind. Instead, purple sage agate will cleanse the auric field with light vibrations that gently ease the mind and spirit.
Though different types of agates are powerfully associated to one chakra than another, they are known to bring an overall sense of balance to all chakras. Agate stones have a smooth energy that washes over the aura, and mutes tensions across the field to promote harmony throughout all chakras. An agate mantra to use when feeling unbalanced or overstimulated is: “With ease of mind, I welcome peace and balance into my life.” Hold two agate tumble stones in each hand as you meditate. Repeating this mantra during agate meditation will not effect immediate change, but will aid in the process of change and lend the endurance and strength that you need to see your intentions through to their achievement.